- Don't put it in the donation box
- Don't spend it on youself
- Use it for a simple act of kindness.
Here are some ideas to dramatically help others with even the small amounts you have been given.
- Buy someone in need a Rabbit bus pass.
- Pay the bill for the car behind you at the fast food drive-through.
- People are struggling to buy gasoline...offer to pay for part or all of someones gas purchase at the gas station.
- Combine your amount with family or friends and purchase a grocery card for a family in need.
- Leave a "mystery" giftcard for someone having a hard time at work.
- "Tip" someone not expecting to be tipped.
- Buy flowers and hand them out at a nursing home.
These are just a few ways to let someone know they are cared for with just a small amount of cash. Get Creative! Share your story and/or ideas for more ways to help others in the comment section below. You can remain anonymous if you wish.
Good luck and Godspeed!
after actionchurch we went out to lunch and left the waitress a note with the tip plus the extra cash. i don't know what kind of an impact it will have on her...maybe it just made her day a little easier.
I know a girl at school who is always struggling with money issues and taking care of her family. Her great-grandma also died the other day, so I thought that the money would make her life feel especially easier. I gave her the egg, and she just perked right up. We walked down the hallway together and talked about it, and we both left school happy.
~Hannah Eaton
My husband and I joke often that if we agree on something it has to be from God. As we left actionchurch Sunday praying about where to use our "eggs" both of us felt that we should combine our gifts and give them to an old friend of ours. When I called to tell her she began to weep and then told me she had been praying that morning for a miracle.They would soon be cutting off her electricity. Thanks God! Thanks actionchurch!
We didn't have to look far for someone in need. A family member had just informed us her gas was going to be shut off so we ( 4 of the 5 family members)combined our "eggs" and gave it to her.She was overcome w/ "joyous "crying. It goes without saying God's timing is impeccable !
The Steve Eaton Family
I've been working with a kid who has made some bad choices in the past but has been expressing the desire to change his life and seek out better things. I decided to use my "Action" egg to start a "nest egg" for him so it can grow and help him when he may really need it. He was overwhelmed by the gesture and asked to meet the pastor and his wife who gave these eggs out.
i met a kid on Monday who wanted to join a program but didn't have enough money to pay the fee. I used my $20 toward the overall cost and he was able to pay the difference and join.
I have a student who is struggling with mental issues as well as the responsibilities of a single mom. This past week was an opportunity to share the egg with her - and let her know that I wanted her to treat herself and take a break from all the stresses of her life.
A little kindness does indeed shine a light in some of the darker corners of our world. I want to thank Actionchurch for this opportunity!
Blessings to you and yours,
We combined 3 eggs for one gift and decided to pledge Action Church in the upcoming Harley Davidson March of Dimes benefit walk. Not only does it go to a good cause, it really gave my co-worker who is doing the walk a real boost. We also gave our own contribution aside from the church money of $25.
This is coming much later that most. I didn't know I could "talk back". After church my wife and I both were very moved and wanted to think about how to use our gift the best way we could. I heard of a child at Central Middle School who didn't have money to have lunch. The school nurse had established a fund for kids that needed that kind of help. My money went to that fund in hopes of helping the little girl and others. My wife was in the grocery line with a woman who seemed very stressed. She was checking out and did not have enough money. My wife gave her the money and as the young woman left with her 3 little kids in tow, she thanked her over and over as tears filled her eyes. "There are good people in this world" she said.
We never know how a seemingly small act of kindness can be a moment of change for someone who has less.
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